
Intercambio – experience language first-hand!

AEGEE’s language exchange tandem program

– It’s for free and fun is guaranteed –

You’re studying a foreign language here at university and you’d like to improve your speaking skills? You are interested in getting to know people from all over the world?

Or you are one of the foreign exchange students and you’re looking for someone to practice your German with and learn about German culture?

Then our Intercambio program is just perfect for you!

We’ll form couples of students who are studying their respective partner’s native language. This way, you can meet up and have fun while both of you improve their foreign language skills and vocabulary. Our motto is “learning by doing” – after all, the only way to get better is through practice!


Good to know:

More information is coming soon.

After that, it is up to you and your partner how often and where you want to meet up. There will be plenty events that AEGEE hosts over the course of the semester, such as
the International Night, Run and Dine or Erasmus parties. Stay tuned!

Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to find your desired Intercambio-partner – nevertheless feel free to join us!


How to apply?

Just fill in the application form.

If you have any questions or remarks, please feel free to contact us at

See you soon and enjoy your time in Passau!